Friday, October 23, 2009

Benefits to Exercise

What are the benefits to exercise? Why is Exercises Healty Life Style Features?

Since a long time it is a fact, that excercising and fitness activities have a therapeutical effect on a lot of mental problems and deseases. Apart from other wholesome effects, physical fitness helps to reduce stress and symptoms of depression and anxiety disorders.

Especially endurance sports such as walking, jogging, swimming and cycling, are very effective. Regular excercise reduces the stress level and strengthens the immune system. Fitness helps to sustain certain happiness hormones (endorphines), which lowers the mental impact of psychological problems. Equally important is that you can aim higher and higher and experience the success. As well, sport activities can lead to new contacts and a deliberate distraction of the problems. So by exercising you improve your life and help on your health, as you don't have to worry about your problems all the time.

Try to find out, which sport activities you used to like, and start exercising again:

  • Swimming
  • To go for a walk
  • Regular Walking/Jogging
  • Cycling at the weekend
  • Golf
  • Badminton
  • Tennis
  • To go on a boat trip with your son
  • To play with the dog
  • Aerobics
  • Going to the gym

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